
Bulldog 101

High School students are invited to register for Bulldog 101

Bachelor of Science in Broadcasting 

(124 credit hours)


Required Courses (30 hours)

 COMM 109 Beginning Media Performance (3)

 COMM 110 Survey of Mass Communication (3) 

COMM 205 Public Relations I (3) 

COMM 210 Digital Media Production I (3)

 COMM 218 Introduction to Communication Theory (3)

 COMM 280 Communication Ethics (3) 

COMM 308 Mass Communication Criticism (3) 

COMM 339 Advance Digital Media Production (3)

 COMM 399 Professional Internship (3hrs) 

COMM 422 Capstone (3) 

Communication Elective Courses (15 hours)

Choose 15 hours from the following:

 COMM 285 Podcasting, Audio, and Radio Production (3) 

COMM 290 Video Streaming and Television Production (3) 

COMM 385 Advanced Audio Production (3)

 COMM 345 Sports Broadcasting (3) 

COMM 311 ACTV Activities (3)

COMM 312 WVAC Activities (3) 

COMM 313 PRush Creative (3) 

COMM 317 P.R. Performance & Production (3)

 COMM 319 Film History (3)

 COMM 330 Intercultural Communication (3)

 COMM 342 Public Relations II: Campaign Writing and Management (3) 

COMM 416 Communication Special Topics (3)

Cognate Elective Courses (15 hours)

 Choose 15 hours from the following: 

ART 102 Digital Foundations (3) 

ART 215 Beginning Photography (3) 

ART 219 Typography (3)* 

ART 228 Introduction to Graphic Design (3)* 

ART 319 Front End Web Design (3)* 

ART 328 Graphic Design II (3)*

 ENGL 201 Persuasive Writing (3)*

 ENGL 203 Creative Writing (3)* 

ENGL 231 Issues in Writing Studies (3)* 

ENG 240 Topics in Writing (3) 

JRNL 238 Introduction to Journalism (3) 

JRNL 306 Community Journalism (3)* 

MUS 106 Music in Film (3)

 MUS 107 Introduction to Music (3) 

MUS 143 Guitar Class (3) 

PSCI 101 American Federal Government (3)

PSCI 102 State and Local Government (3) 

SOC 104 Introduction to Sociology (3) 

SCJ225 Introduction to Criminal and Juvenile Justice (3)*

 SCJ364 Drugs in American Society (3)* 

SCJ351 Special Topics (3)* 

THRE108 Acting I: Introduction to Acting (3)

*designates courses with a prerequisite

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